Comment history with na-nancy
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 comments
oh sure...
as long as its nothing too big..
and im still practicing too, so sure...
gives me more practice=)
just give me all the info
hey nancy i thought i would never ask for a favor in a long time bu i got a friend and she like a model or sumtin an she would like to kno if yooh can design a pix wit her name on nothin special like mine:)
here ya GO!
i dunno if you'll like it...
i still wasn't so sure....> <
hopefully you will...
http://i4.photobuck et.com/albums/y147/nancy_vang/ tisha_teesh.jpg
ok banner yes i would like those two pictures 2 blend together ne colors u choose can u plz put flowers in the background and i want it 2 say TiSHA_TEEsH and sum design in the background ur pic
okies..got it..^ ^
soo, how did u want it again?
and can you be more specific please...^ ^
so it'd be easier for me to make it a way you want it?
a banner though,yes?..or just a picture graphic?...
and blending, yes...how?..
sorry for so much info, but it'd be much easier to make it if you give me more info...=)
http://i24.tinypic.com/2h54g2u .jpg
http://i22.tinypic.com/2 5usg90.jpg
seems like the picture link doesn't work...> <
so um...try again????
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